Executive Board Members
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Phillip Post
All HEST students are encouraged to participate in HEST Council. By attending monthly meetings you will have voting rights. Voting rights are exercised during elections of the Executive Board and proposed activities for the college. Student Organizations who are members of the Council have voting rights and the opportunity to request funding through the Council to support their activities. College of HEST Student Organizations who are requesting funding can submit their request during an Executive Board Meeting or during the Full Board Meeting.
President: Alexia Fuentes (alexiaf@nmsu.edu)
VP of Activities: Sophie Pettes (aspettes@nmsu.edu)
VP of Fundraising: Lexie Ortiz (ortizan@nmsu.edu)
Treasurer: Hannah Zamora (hanzamo@nmsu.edu)
Secretary: Catherine Goldblatt (Catgold@nmsu.edu)
Historian: Phaedra Vasquez (phaedra@nmsu.edu)
Webmaster: Megan Steeby (msteeby@nmsu.edu)
President: Sarah Randall - sjoy@nmsu.edu
VP: Tina Martinez - tinam32@nmsu.edu
Secretary: Mia Tafoya - tafoya16@nmsu.edu
Treasurer: Anika Harris - anharris@nmsu.edu
Ambassadors are an honorary group of students selected to represent the College of HEST (“the college”). They will assist in the delivery of outreach programs and services and promote college enrollment throughout the local schools and community.
President: Brandi Weiss
Chief Financial Officer: Emmarie Heredia
President: Marin Kelly - mkelly9@nmsu.edu
VP: Liliana Garcia - lili88@nmsu.edu
Secretary: Lauren Volk - lvolk1@nmsu.edu
Treasurer: Oscar Arroyos - oscara24@nmsu.edu
Future SLP Graduate Student Organization
President - Morgan Foley - morgan23@nmsu.edu
VP- Lupita Duran - lupita13@nmsu.edu
Secretary- Brianna Tellez - bltellez@nmsu.edu
Treasurer- Amari Pina- amaripin@nmsu.edu
Social media/fundraising- Jackie Pina- jpina3@nmsu.edu
GSO rep.- Lisa Moya- lnmoya@nmsu.edu
President: Lauren Barnes Laurenkb@nmsu.edu
Vice President: Alinne Esquivel Alinne@nmsu.edu
Secretary: Madison Barnes maddybar@nmsu.edu
Treasurer: Mariah Aday Maday@nmsu.edu
Historian/scholarship chair: Jalyn Willis Jalynw@nmsu.edu
Community service Chairs: Natasha Sears and Damen Vasquez
Fundraising chairs: Sandra Franco and Anna Ash
Social chairs: Jordan Egan and Olivia Westphal
The Graduate Student Social Work Association welcomes all graduate students in the School of Social Work to participate in this campus organization that focuses on student advocacy, community development, and commitment to social work ethics and values. This organization has remained active throughout the pandemic with a strong commitment to diversity, inclusion, and transparency. This includes both our organization as well as in our program and university leadership. While this organization has many facets and purposes, we are flexible in addressing the needs of students as they arise and ensuring our program and field practicums retain a commitment to social justice, service, and competence.
President: Alex Yonkovig - ayonkovi@nmsu.edu
VP: Dorcas Gyamerah - dorcasgg@nmsu.edu
Secretary: Valeria Amendola - avalerie@nmsu.edu
Treasurer: Nelson Crane - ncrane@nmsu.edu
Student Advisor: Lindsay Keeling - lkeeling@nmsu.edu
President: Rita Djoric ritadj@nmsu.edu
Vice President/fundraising : Veronica delgado-Torres vhogue@nmsu.edu
Co Event Coordinators: Alexis Espinosa ealexis@nmsu.edu andTavaOrtiz tortiz2@nmsu.edu
Treasurer: Sarahi Hernandez sarahih@nmsu.edu
Secretary: Daisy Gomez daisyedu@nmsu.edu
Social Media Coordinator: Joy Monge joymonge@nmsu.edu
Appropriation Forms
Council Appropriation Worksheet